Dan Ștefan Pârvu
Aerospace Engineer
PhD Candidate
"Politehnica" University of Bucharest (upb.ro)
Multimedia Lab
I'm an aerospace engieer currently working at Altran Deutschland in Hamburg, Germany. I have started my PhD studies at the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, focusing on synthetic data generation.
I enjoy flying R/C airplanes, helis and drones. My hobbies also include 3d printing and graphics design.
parvu.dan.stefan [at] gmail.com
Hamburg, Germany
Infographic CV
Work | Altran Deutschland |
R/C Enthusiast | MAAC |
Youtube |
Center for Advanced Research on New Materials, Products and
Innovative Processes, 2nd floor, room 205
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Splaiul Independenței 313, 060042 Bucharest
Public projects
- Object detector Python - Hand tracker and hand signal classifier using Tensorflow and OpenCV
- Switch cover Solidworks - 3d printable electrical switch cover
Training courses 2016 - 2018
@article{refan2020tornado, title={Tornado loss model of Oklahoma and Kansas, United States, based on the historical tornado data and Monte Carlo simulation}, author={Refan, Maryam and Romanic, Djordje and Parvu, Dan and Michel, Gero}, journal={International journal of disaster risk reduction}, volume={43}, pages={101369}, year={2020}, month = {January}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{junayed2019flow, title={Flow field dynamics of large-scale experimentally produced downburst flows}, author={Junayed, Chowdhury and Jubayer, Chowdhury and Parvu, Dan and Romanic, Djordje and Hangan, Horia}, journal={Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics}, volume={188}, pages={61--79}, year={2019}, month = {May}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{romanic2018wind, title={Wind and tornado climatologies and wind resource modelling for a modern development situated in “Tornado Alley”}, author={Romanic, Djordje and Parvu, Dan and Refan, Maryam and Hangan, Horia}, journal={Renewable energy}, volume={115}, pages={97--112}, year={2018}, month = {January}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{lange2017wind, title={For wind turbines in complex terrain, the devil is in the detail}, author={Lange, Julia and Mann, Jakob and Berg, Jacob and Parvu, Dan and Kilpatrick, Ryan and Costache, Adrian and Chowdhury, Jubayer and Siddiqui, Kamran and Hangan, Horia}, journal={Environmental Research Letters}, volume={12}, number={9}, pages={094020}, year={2017}, publisher={IOP Publishing} } @inproceedings{romanicfluctuating, title={Fluctuating Wind Generator: Theoretical Concept and Model}, author={Romanic, Djordje and Parvu, Dan and Hangan, Horia}, booktitle={1000 Islands Fluid Mechanics Meeting}, pages={22--24}, year={2016}, month = {April}, } @inproceedings{kilpatrick2016investigation, title={Investigation of Mean and Turbulent Flow Behaviour Over an Escarpment}, author={Kilpatrick, R and Siddiqui, K and Hangan, H and Parvu, D}, booktitle={Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting}, volume={50299}, pages={V01BT25A003}, year={2016}, month = {July}, organization={American Society of Mechanical Engineers} } @article{hangan2017novel, title={Novel techniques in wind engineering}, author={Hangan, Horia and Refan, Maryam and Jubayer, Chowdhury and Romanic, Djordje and Parvu, Dan and LoTufo, Julien and Costache, Adrian}, journal={Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics}, volume={171}, pages={12--33}, year={2017}, month = {December}, publisher={Elsevier} } @inproceedings{romanic2017influence, title={Influence of background winds and storm motion on downburst outflow}, author={Romanic, Djordje and Parvu, Dan and Hangan, Horia}, booktitle={7th European and African conference on wind engineering (EACWE 2017), Li{\`e}ge, Belgium}, pages={3--6}, year={2017}, month = {July}, } @incollection{hangan2017big, title={Big data from big experiments. The WindEEE dome}, author={Hangan, Horia and Refan, Maryam and Jubayer, Chowdhury and Parvu, Dan and Kilpatrick, Ryan}, booktitle={Whither Turbulence and Big Data in the 21st Century?}, pages={215--230}, year={2017}, publisher={Springer} } @article{romanicnew, title={New methodology for determining downburst touchdown location}, author={Romanic, Djordje and Parvu, Dan and Hangan, Horia and Solari, Giovanni and Burlando, Massimiliano}, year={2016}, month = {September}, } @inproceedings{romanic2016downburst, title={Downburst reconstruction using physical simulation and analytical model with application to urban environments}, author={Romanic, Djordje and Parvu, Dan and Hangan, Horia}, booktitle={Proc., 1st Int. Conf. on Urban Physics}, pages={1--12}, year={2016} } @inproceedings{parvu2015shear, title={Shear Layer Effects of Cliff Edge: PEIWEE’15 “WindScanner” Campaign}, author={Parvu, D and Costache, A and LoTufo, J and Hangan, H}, booktitle={2nd International Conference on Future Technologies in Wind Energy, London, Ontario, Canada}, year={2015}, month = {October-November}, } @inproceedings{parvu2015imag, title={Large Scale Flow Imaging in the Windeee Dome with Application to Downburst Flows}, author={Parvu, D and Hangan, H}, booktitle={14th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Porto Alegre, Brazil}, year={2015}, month = {June}, } @inproceedings{parvu2015ptv, title={Large Scale Downburst Particle Streak Velocimetry in the Windeee Dome}, author={Parvu, D and Hangan, H}, booktitle={25th CANCAM International Conference, London, ON, Canada}, year={2015}, month = {May-June}, } @inproceedings{parvu2015db, title={Experimental Large Scale Downburst Flow Field in WindEEE Dome}, author={Parvu, D and Hangan, H}, booktitle={1000 Island Fluid Mechanics Meeting, Gananoque, ON, Canada}, year={2015}, month = {May}, } @MastersThesis{parvu2013experimental, author = {Parvu, Dan}, title = {Experimental Modeling of Wind Farm Topography and Canopy}, school = {University of Western Ontario}, year = {2013}, type = {Master's thesis}, } @InProceedings{parvu2010dircos, author = {Parvu, D and Parvu, P}, title = {Direction Cosine Matrix Method. Inertial Control and Command System for Scale Model Airplanes}, booktitle = {"Aerospatial 2010" International Conference}, year={2010} } @TechReport{parvu2010eseo, author = {Parvu, D}, title = {ESEO Structure Analysis Report}, institution = {UPB-FIA}, year = {2010}, month = {July}, } @TechReport{parvu2009acc, author = {Parvu, D}, title = {ACC'09 Report}, institution = {UPB-FIA}, year = {2009}, month = {June}, }
Education and Work Experience
Aerospace Engineer Specialist
Capgemini Engineering Deutschland
2021 - present
Technical Team Leader for the Aircraft Design, Digitalization and Data Science Team
PhD Candidate
Multimedia Lab, UPB-ETTI
2020 - present
Researching synthetic data generation in the context of aircraft loads
Python trainer
2016, 2018
Prepared and held courses and workshops internally (Altran) and externally (Airbus)
Aerospace Engineer Advanced Consultant
Altran Deutschland
May 2017 - 2020
Worked on projects for Airbus DS and Commercial
Started Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning Projects
Python focal point
Aerospace Engineer Consultant
Altran Deutschland
May 2016 - 2017
Worked on projects for Airbus Commercial.
Aircraft low speed performance estimation.
Tool automation specialist and general tool development
Wind Engieering Researcher
Risø DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy
Summer 2015
Project focused on light detection and ranging (LiDAR) applied in the field of wind energy
Developed control and analysis software for prototype DTU scanning wind LiDAR
MESc Civil and Environmental Engineering
University Western Ontario
May 2011 - Jan 2014
Focus on aerodynamics of wind farms and forest canopy
Teaching assistant
University of Western Ontario
May 2011 - May 2016
Prepared and held seminars for multiple undergraduate courses
Proctored and graded exams and assignments
Research assistant
WindEEE Research Institute
May 2011 - May 2016
Experimental modelling in the world's first 3d wind chamber
Focus on non-intrusive measurement methods
BSc Aerospace Engineering
2006 - 2010
Performed the static and dynamic analysis of the ESEO student satellite
10/10 Final Degree Project
Carlo Gavazzi Space
Summer 2009
Structural analysis of the ESEO satellite